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Expertise by sector


Innovation in logistics processes is crucial to improving efficiency and safety in the medical sector.

Drawing inspiration from industrial practices is a key performance lever for optimising them.

The challenges facing the sector

A supply chain with its own particularities to master

  • Unpredictable and fluctuating consumption, with external factors disrupting the stability of healthcare establishments
  • Large volumes to process, with a wide choice of references and many customers and data sets
  • Zero tolerance for disruptions in the supply of medicines and medical devices
  • A detailed supply chain, personalised to the patient (tailored & unique treatment)
  • Multiple players with different concerns

The need to structure processes

  • The workload of teams is concentrated on managing stocks and supplies in ‘fire-fighting mode’, with detrimental consequences for the efficiency of services.
  • Disruptions and delays in supplies to hospital departments, putting patient safety at risk.
  • Uninvolved, poorly managed suppliers, increasing the risks to the supply

After the COVID crisis, the pace picks up again

  • Scattered distribution teams and a logistical burden that still falls on care teams
  • Hospital pharmacies saturated by high volumes and many references, requiring innovations to lighten the load

A need for performant logistics resources and tools

  • Scattered logistics areas, limiting the use of automation and the professionalisation of practices, hindering innovation and efficiency.
  • Storage space that is not optimised for the activity, with a desire for automation, implying the adoption of new digital devices.
  • The need to digitalise healthcare product flows to improve traceability and efficiency.

Your challenges
and our solutions

Responsible purchasing and logistics
  • Integration of CSR criteria into purchasing policies
  • Optimisation of routes, containers and carbon-free transport
  • Carrying out audits to identify areas for improvement
  • Implement concrete solutions to optimise physical and IT flows, considering the need for traceability
  • Secure / rationalise healthcare product circuits

    Define massification strategies and logistics network designs

  • Sizing and analysis of storage space (logistics platform). Storage strategies. Optimisation strategies (organisation & mechanisation)

    3D layout simulation

    Choice of automated systems

  • Analysis of the product portfolio and identification of inventory reduction levers

    Classification of supplier/product links and identification of areas for improvement

    Implementation of processes and indicators for managing procurement and suppliers

Some of our references
in the sector include


Use Case

Definition of target processes for the New Hospital Operating Theatre

Our intervention

  • Definition of the general principles of the target organisation: – Physical layout of the storage areas (DM, BIOMED, Med, MAG, etc.) and modelling of the volumes to be stored by product family, storage area and resources
  • Feasibility study for the installation of automated storage systems
  • Definition of upstream and downstream processes for : Reception, Storage, Preparation, Disinfection, Storage circuit
  • Mapping of information systems
  • Human resources and management

The results

  • Possible macro layout maps to validate replenishment frequencies
  • Arbitration on the merits of installing automated storage systems based on the comparative study
  • Detailed action plan for the remaining work to be done before opening

A Project ? Contact us

Philippe Fostan

Avec plus de 20 ans d’expériences dans des entreprises industrielles et de conseil, en tant que chef de projet, manager opérationnel ou membre de comité de direction, Philippe a initié et conduit de nombreuses transformations à enjeux stratégique, dans la supply chain et les opérations, dans des secteurs variés, avec une forte dimension internationale.​ Coach professionnel certifié, il accompagne des dirigeants, des managers et des équipes dans les transformations complexes