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Expertise by sector

Distribution and E-commerce

The distribution market in France is vast and diverse, with many players such as supermarkets, hypermarkets, convenience stores, online shops and so on.

Although the big names dominate the sector, there are also many small local businesses.

Competition is fierce and increasingly demanding consumers have access to a wide choice of products and services.

The challenges facing the sector

Digitalisation and omnichannel

  • The rise of e-commerce has transformed consumer buying habits, forcing traditional retailers to adapt.
  • They not only have to develop high-performance online sales platforms, but also manage the associated logistics (delivery, stock management, product returns).
  • The integration of different sales channels (physical and digital) has become essential. Consumers want a coherent and consistent experience, whether they buy online in-store or via mobile applications. Managingomnichannel sales involves significant logistical and technological challenges.

Responsibility to meet the sector’s challenges

  • Take account of price inflation in different markets, while remaining competitive
  • Guarantee the rapid or even urgent availability of sometimes vital products, by deploying appropriate logistics resources, while controlling the risk of obsolescence.
  • Respect the transport and storage conditions inherent in the products distributed.

Sustainability and CSR

  • Consumers are increasingly sensitive to environmental and social issues.
  • Retailers must respond to these concerns by adopting sustainable practices, whether in the supply chain, waste management or working conditions.

Technological innovation

  • The adoption of new technologies such as artificial intelligence, blockchain, the Internet of Things (IoT), and augmented/virtual reality solutions, is essential to remain competitive.
  • These technologies can improve operational efficiency and offer new opportunities for growth. Digital transformation is becoming an essential lever for meeting the needs of modern customers...

Your challenges
and our solutions

Define an appropriate, pragmatic and customer-focused strategy
  • Clarify your e-commerce strategy in relation to your Omnichannel strategy, to define the company’s target structure
  • Define a dynamic assortment and allocation strategy to adapt to fluctuations in demand and the product life cycle
  • Draw up a detailed transformation plan, considering the financial, human and production impacts
  • Support the implementation of the transformation plan with supply chain experts
  • Implementing an IT network design to support omnichannel constraints
  • Choosing IT tools (ERP, OMS, CRM, CMS, E-commerce platform, Marketplace, PLM, PIM, WMS, TMS, APS) to manage new physical and digital flows
  • Implement appropriate stock planning (launch, back of shelf, promotion)
  • Work on reducing costs, optimising resources, increasing productivity and improving lead times
  • Sizing logistics spaces and optimising the use of resources to support growth
  • Analyse the relevance of and select the resources best suited to implementing automated and mechanised flows within my organisation
  • Implement new alternative modes of transport (pooling, filling, multimodal, fuel) to limit environmental impact while keeping costs down
  • Set up flows and services between consumers and various stakeholders to ensure product repair and maintenance, as well as recycling, in line with European directives.
  • Providing stock disposal solutions while limiting the financial and environmental impact and material loss (CtoC approach, returns management, etc.).
  • Reduce carbon impact by proposing alternative solutions (slow delivery, volume consolidation, collection points, etc.).

Some of our references in the sector include

Acteur majeur de la grande distribution

S&Op process definition

International transport decarbonisation strategy diagnosis

Requirements analysis and ERP RFP

Logistics network design

Distribution logistics network design

Relieving the load on logistics platforms

Use Case

European logistics network design

Our involvement

  • Definition of new ways to better manage life cycles (launch, end of life, management of promotions)
  • Measurement of the impact on regional and local organisation to manage supply, transport and storage flows and relations with logistics service providers

The results

  • Improved quality of service for shops and customers: Value-added logistics operations carried out at a regional warehouse
  • Creation of a regional stock for improved availability, with a positive impact on shop service levels
  • Reduction in logistics costs
  • Transport consolidation
  • Savings on purchases linked to the use of warehouses

A project? Contact Us

Nicolas a 17 ans d’expérience professionnelle en supply chain notamment dans l’agroalimentaire, le retail et la prestation logistique. Ayant occupé des postes à responsabilité dans les projets, méthodes et SI supply chain, Il a piloté de nombreux projets dans la transformation supply chain / SI et la performance des opérations dans des environnements complexes et exigeants (schéma directeur, refonte de processus, omnicanal, modernisation logistique et mécanisation).